My Motivation Letter

Djiwandou Putro
5 min readSep 20, 2019


Alhamdulillah.. saya lulus dari UCL, Sept 2015

Berikut contoh motivation letter yang saya gunakan untuk apply ke Cranfield University dan University College London (UCL) di UK.

Hasilnya, Alhamdulillah diterima dua2nya 😇😇

Saya akan pisahkan motlet ini menjadi 3 bagian, Pendahuluan (Opening), Isi (Content) dan Pentutup (Summary/Closing), masing-masing dengan beberapa sub-chapter nya. Tujuannya biar lebih enak dipahami oleh para pembaca. 😊

Pendahuluan (Opening)

Surabaya, December 6, 2014

To whom it may concern,

This letter is being made while I am staying at Surabaya, the capital city of East Java island, Indonesia. Surabaya is well-known as City of Heroes, where most of the major fights between Indonesian army and the colonialists occurred. One of the biggest wars was Battle of Surabaya, which was happened on 10 November 1945, heroic efforts from Indonesian youth militia at Surabaya has succeeded in protecting the country’s freedom and also helped to gain international attention to support the newly independent country.

Now, almost 69 years has passed since the ferocious battle, but the spirit of Indonesian youth in the Battle of Surabaya has not yet turned into reality, particularly in terms of Maritime Defense and Technology. Indonesia is a big country, not only in the number of people, but also the wideness of its maritime zone. Despite of its great attributes, it is cannot be said that the country has already met its Minimum Essential Forces (MEF) regarding maritime defense issue. In addition, the needs of encouragement and endorsement will make TNI AL (Tentara Nasional Indonesia, Angkatan Laut), Indonesian Navy, to become one of the considerably forces as of its golden age long time ago.

Isi (Content)

Permasalahan (Problem / Solution Statement)

As an engineer, my point of view is focused on Defense Technology, in order to support and realize Indonesia as the state forward, sovereign, and independent in Defense field, no later than 2045 (100 years of the country’s independence), particularly for Independence of Defense Technology, so that the Navy could be more powerful and respected. Thus, the practical way could be formulated in these points:

1. Ability to apply scientific principles of both the latest technology (current) and future with an emphasis on technology supporting the defense. And allows to improve the more optimal operational concept through technological support in the future (Technological Support)

2. Emphasize defense strategy of Indonesia into the Maritime Strategy, which will support the military, particularly the Navy of the Republic of Indonesia to perform the task of maintaining and securing the Country from its challenges and threats, both in peacetime and in the critical period (Maritime Strategy).

3. Ability to apply Systems Engineering principles within the scope of the methodology and process for analyzing the integration and interaction between sub-system and overall system on large-scale, and also to optimize overall system performance, particularly in the National Defense System.

4. Application of Defense Technology that not only limited to the conceptual stage and theoretical only, but should include the actual implementation on the users and all the stakeholders involved, in this case Indonesian Navy, with the support of academics, as well as defense industry in order to maintain State Secrecy.

Perkenalan (Introduction)

I Djiwandou Agung Sudiyono Putro, scholarship recipient candidate of Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education (LPDP — Lembaga Pengelola Dana Pendidikan) Scholarship, my core competence as a Software System Engineer, and now working at the Defense Industry State-Owned Enterprise (BUMN-IP — Badan Usaha Milik Negara Industri Pertahanan) namely PT. Len Industri (Persero). Currently, I joined the core team of CMS (Combat Management System) developers — battleship management system at Navy warships. CMS, in brief, is the brain of warship where tactical data processing is done quickly, and accurately. CMS accuracy become the main weapon to help the user in deciding and taking action in a battle, in addition CMS also integrates sensors and weapons into weaponry control system. Our CMS is called CMS Mandhala.

As SOE, PT. Len Industri (Persero) has been entrusted by users or Indonesian Navy to design, develop, and install the CMS on various KRI (Indonesian Warship). During my time joining the core team, CMS Mandhala has already been installed in: KRI Yos Sudarso-353, KRI OWA-354, and KRI AHP-355. And in the following year, there are 4 (four) other KRI will be catched up, namely: KRI Mandau, KRI Rencong, KRI Ajak, KRI Singa all of them are in the class of Patrol Ship Killer (PSK Class).

Pendukung (Supporting Statement)

As a high-tech and sophisticated defense product, the quality of CMS needs to be continuously improved. Design and analysis of CMS will be my special attention, because of the unique nature of the country; its design will be based on the operation of the Navy and specific to each country’s characteristic. Republic of Indonesia as a major maritime country indeed has different characteristics from another country, for example the Netherlands. Dutch is chosen as the comparison because the reference and standards used for CMS Mandhala as the Indonesian Navy refers to the CMS belong to Thales Netherlands which is mostly used in our country warships.

Rencana kedepan (Future Plans)

In the end, if I am given the opportunity to study and to make new experiences as well as knowledge through LPDP Scholarship, by doing MSc Systems Engineering for Defence Capability — Cranfield University, then I will focus for the re-development, optimization, or re-design of the CMS Mandhala Indonesia, to be tailored by the needs of user operation and characteristics of Indonesia as a maritime country. By taking this course, implementing systems engineering methodologies and practices, I intended that Indonesia will be freed from foreign defense technology dependency, and finally Indonesian Navy can come back waking-up from a long hibernation period and become respected as one of the world most influential maritime power, with the support of domestic defense industry.

Penutup (Closing)

Kesimpulan (Summary)

My dreams and hopes in the future, I aspire to be able to become expert in the field of Systems and Defense Technology Integration (Indonesian Combat System Integration and Defense Technology Expert) which may be achieved at the latest in 2045–100 years of Indonesia’s independence. Furthermore, I will try to optimize the usage of 100 percent of the technology and human resources of the country. To achieve this goal, education is mainly consider as a major capital for spawning an excellent generation in the field of defense technology.

Kalimat Penutup (Closing Statement)

Thus, the role that I can think of in the future for my beloved country Republic of Indonesia, and all I can do now is do the best, with strength, determination, and ability also pray to the God, May the Almighty God also gives me the best team that has the same vision, persistence and willingness to build the country particularly in the field of defense technology.

Bandung, December 8th 2014,

Djiwandou Agung Sudiyono Putro

Semoga bermanfaat ^^

Jika ada pertanyaan atau ingin konsultasi lebih lanjut tentang Beasiswa, Studi di UK, dll. silakan langsung aja ya cek dibawah ini.

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Djiwandou Putro
Djiwandou Putro

Written by Djiwandou Putro

Engineer, Technology Consultant, Scholarship Experts, Co-founder of Trying to be the most beneficial person by sharing my knowledge and expertise.

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